Showing posts with label ipv6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ipv6. Show all posts

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Racket 1.0.6 Released

Over the Thanksgiving holiday and thanks to the fact that I've been trapped indoors for two weeks, I've made some major improvements to Racket, released in version 1.0.6. For those not in the know, Racket is a Ruby Gem used for reading, writing and handling raw packets in an intuitive manner. Between 1.0.2 and 1.0.6, there have been countless changes, including but not limited to:
  • Full ICMPv6 support
  • Much improved IPv6 support, thanks largely to Daniele Bellucci
  • Revamped, more efficient ICMP support (basically copied all the cool things from ICMPv6)
  • All encoding/decoding classes moved under their respective layer in Racket::L3, etc.
  • Large documentation, test and example improvements
So, as usual, `gem install --source racket` to install it and then take a stroll through the docs and examples. Enjoy!