I have a LAN. I have a firewall. I allow people w/ registered MACs to
get 'net via a DHCP lease. I don't believe in allowing an entire subnet
(say, for example) through the firewall. See the problem
The problem was, at the time, there was no easy way to execute some
command every time a DHCP lease is given out. For all I know, the latest
version of dhcpd incorporates this functionality. I wrote firewatch to do
this. At its core, it tails the log file(s) and waits for a DHCP lease to
be given out, then adds a set of firewall rules.
Initially, the rules were hardcoded into the script. This worked fine for
a few machines. However, when people starting asking things like "hey,
could you allow pr0nd through the firewall", editing the script became a
real bitch (that also required killing and restarting the script.). I've
since moved all the allowed protocols and ports to any external file that
gets source everytime a machine gets added to the firewall. Since lease
times are relatively short (in my setup anyway), changes will get
populated to all machines within a reasonable amount of time.