Path: | README (CVS) |
Last Update: | Sat Mar 22 23:02:18 -0700 2008 |
# $Id: README 16 2008-03-23 06:02:07Z warchild $
Hawler, the ruby HTTP crawler.
Written to ease satisfying curiousities about the way the web is woven.
Install by:
gem install --source hawler
Rough usage is… define a method that will take a URI, a referer, and an Net::HTTPResponse as arguments, and then does whatever it wants. Create a Hawler object, passing the start URI and the above method as arguments. Set Hawler options, then start it.
Basic usage is an implementation of htgrep:
#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'hawler' require 'hawleroptions' def grep (uri, referer, response) line = 0 unless (response.nil?) response.body.each do |l| line += 1 if (l =~ /#{@match}/) puts "#{uri}:#{line} #{l}" end end end end options = HawlerOptions.parse(ARGV, "Usage: #{File.basename $0} [pattern] [uri] [options]") if (ARGV.empty?) puts else @match = ARGV.shift ARGV.each do |site| crawler =, method(:grep)) options.each_pair do |o,v| crawler.send("#{o}=",v) end crawler.start end end